Friday, 21 May 2010

Media Seminar - Exploring the Freedoms and Limits of Media Expression

The Attorney General's Chambers of Brunei Darussalam will be hosting a seminar titled "Exploring the Freedoms and Limits of Media Expression" which starts from 24 - 25 May, 2010. The first day is a closed session with the second day being a public session. Among the topics to be discussed include, Ways Forward for Effective Working Relationship between Governments and the Media, The Role of Regulator.

I will be presenting a paper on the government's use of new media and will be answering the question whether new media has been a "friend or foe?" An enticing topic for sure which there will be strong opinions and debates on either side of the fence.

The public part of the seminar will involve seasoned journalists from Brunei, Malaysia and Singapore whom I am sure will be lighting up the stage with their experiences and views. One of the questions for the media is whether self-regulation or government regulation is the way forward.

Here's to a fruitful two days.

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